
Massive glazing options, with the ability to incorporate extra thick double-glazed units (three panes), provide excellent sound insulation and maintain high thermal and noise barriers, keeping your space serene and comfortable.

Ease of use is at the heart of the GEALAN-SMOOVIO®️ design. The new sophisticated locking mechanism always guarantees a secure and tight closure. This ensures that the functionality, security and aesthetic appeal of your sliding doors remain impeccable over time.

Choose GEALAN-SMOOVIO®️ and transform your home with a system that combines elegant design with advanced functionality, making no compromises on comfort, efficiency and visibility.

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comfortable to move space saving protection against wind and rain high level of thermal insulation optimum sound insulation elegant and discreet design
Space in the home is precious and should be used optimally. The GEALAN-SMOOVIO® sliding system ensures user comfort, saves space and is extremely airtight. The unique properties of the new sliding system are the result of a synergic combination of elements such as the new design of the hardware components, the innovative profile geometry and the sophisticated shape of the seals.
Intelligent components fulfil their function while remaining invisible to the eye, thanks to precisely fitting seals that run around the entire perimeter. All this guarantees the highest degree of tightness and protection against negative atmospheric influences, and thus a high level of thermal insulation.
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Sliding plastic doors for your home

Photos that show the expectation and reality of some thing or event have become especially popular on the Internet: very visual, contrasting and at the same time fun (although it’s usually fun for the audience, but not for the participants).

This is the same picture that formed in the minds of most buyers of sliding plastic doors: you dream of a large glass opening through which the sun floods the entire room with bright light. Nearby there is a cozy chair and a spreading plant to admire the sunset and the picturesque view. With a slight movement you open the passage to the terrace or courtyard and find yourself in the lap of nature. Day and night, seasons change, years fly by, and in your life there is still the same beautiful view from the window without problems or adversity.

And what do we see in practice: of course, there is a glass opening, but it is not so large and wide, which means the room has become lighter, but not as much as dreamed. You can’t put an armchair or a plant nearby either – you need to leave enough space where the sash could move when opened, and hanging fittings as a “growth” generally spoil the entire aesthetic appearance (in some systems the color of the fittings was noticeably different from the color of the frame and sash). And, as it turned out, opening this door is not so easy even for an adult, let alone a child. Immediately after purchase, the system works well, but over time the sash begins to sag under the weight, jam when moving, and make strange sounds and noises. And the last straw is wind blowing and moisture leakage after heavy rain.

And then you realize that you probably shouldn’t have chosen a plastic system; maybe you should have chosen one from a different material (but the cost there is noticeably more expensive, which doesn’t always fit into the budget). Therefore, you completely abandon the idea of ​​installing a sliding door.

It was so, but does not mean that it is and will be in the future, because GEALAN experts have prepared their solution – the GEALAN-SMOOVIO sliding system. The name of this system comes from the phrase “slide move”, which means sliding movement. This was precisely the main goal of the developers of this product.

Easy gliding and smooth movement

The main disadvantage of most sliding doors is their fittings: they are bulky, difficult to hide, and wear out quite quickly under the weight of the door. Therefore, the development of GEALAN-SMOOVIO began with the search and selection of the best fittings and their optimal combination with the geometry of the frame and sash. The results exceeded all expectations: special hidden rollers located along the entire length of the sash distribute its weight among themselves and contribute to the soft and smooth movement of the door in the groove of the system. Excellent fittings ensure a tight fit of the sash when closing, which maximizes the tightness and reliability of locking the structure. All movement of the sash occurs in one plane, so it is possible to use maximum space next to the system!

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